Interviewing Job Applicants Made Easy
Employers, create an interview in minutes.
Know what to ask to select the right applicant.
RecruitSure creates an interview script for any job in minutes
Provides 2,000 professional interview questions online
Shows you how to conduct interviews lawfully and successfully

Saves you time, effort and avoids costly hiring mistakes

4 Essential Features in 1 Easy Online Tool

Interview Builder

Creates an interview in minutes
Interview Builder

Interview Manager

Manages your candiates easily
Interview Manager

Interview Trainer

Learn how to interview
Interview Trainer

Interview Questions

Your instant online library
RecruitSure contains 2,000 interview questions to ask

Why Use Recruitsure?

Are you an employer, manager or recruiter? Want to make the task of interviewing employees easier? Want to be sure of selecting the right candidate while avoiding mistakes?

RecruitSure is an easy to use online system that gives you everything you need to select, recruit and interview job applicants, effectively and lawfully.

  • Helps you make more accurate recruitment decisions
  • Ensures your interview process is legally compliant
  • Helps standardise your interviewing process throughout your organisation
  • Supports Competency Interviewing for fairer recruitment
  • Teaches you how to conduct interviews professionally and with confidence
  • Ensures your managers are competent in the interview room

Who's Using Recruitsure?

Recruitsure is a valuable, easy to use tool for small and medium employers, managers, supervisors, HR departments and anyone recruiting staff.

Clients Using RecruitSures Interviewing Software